Happy New Year! Tonight we celebrate according to tradition and toast, with the wish that the new year brings joy, peace and serenity to everyone. Cheers to …

Buon anno!
Stasera noi festeggiamo secondo le tradizioni e brindiamo, con l'augurio che il nuovo anno porti a tutti gioia, pace e serenità. Cin cin a ...

Happy New Year! Tonight we celebrate according to tradition and toast, with the wish that the new year brings joy, peace and serenity to everyone. Cheers everyone! 🍾✨ Happy New Year! Tonight we are celebrating according to our traditions and we are wishing that the New Year could bring to all of us joy and peace. Cheers! 🍾✨ #IMacoritti #grissini #grissinicorti #Breadsticks #Snack #break #madeinitaly #Buonanno #HappyNewYear #happynewyear2023

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