#IMacorittiSNACK: the practical, healthy and delicious snack, ideal to take back to #school or during weekends out of town! I Macoritti Sna …

#IMacorittiSNACK : la #merenda pratica, sana e golosa, ideale da portare al ritorno a #scuola o durante i fine settimana fuori porta!

I Macoritti Sna...

#IMacorittiSNACK: the practical, healthy and greedy #merenda, ideal to take back to #school or during weekends out of town! I Macoritti Snack are the practical single portion flow packs ideal for consuming during school break or in week-end trips! #breadsticks #breadsticks #snack #madeinitaly #italianfood #italiansnack #senzaconservanti #nopreservatives #bts #backtoschool

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