🥚Vi state preparando per la Pasqua ormai prossima?
Non dimenticate di fare scorta de I Macoritti, grissini corti ideali sia come sostituto del pane da offrire durante il pranzo di Pasqua, sia come pratico snack per accompagnare i vostri pic nic! 🌷
💡Acquistateli anche online: https://store.imacoritti.it/
…sul nostro sito trovate anche tante idee per golosi abbinamenti enogastronomici!
🐣Are you getting ready for Easter, which is coming soon?
Don’t forget to stock up on I Macoritti, short breadsticks that are perfect as a substitute for bread to offer during the Easter lunch, as well as a convenient snack to accompany your picnics! 🦋
🥂On our website, you’ll also find plenty of ideas for delicious food and wine pairings!
#Imacoritti #grissini #breadsticks #snack #madeinitaly #Italianfood #Pasqua #Easter